Home Business NewsBusiness London Tech Week launches first academy and mini-MBA with Market Gravity

London Tech Week launches first academy and mini-MBA with Market Gravity

27th Apr 17 2:00 pm

A must see

London Tech Week Academy, supported by Google, launches with an inaugural Innovation mini-MBA in partnership with Market Gravity this June. 

London Tech Week has launched its first Academy, a series of unique learning experiences bringing the best and brightest talent to London. Focusing on innovation in the digital age, London Tech Week Academy features a five-day immersive mini-MBA brought to life by Market Gravity. Working in partnership, the organisations will provide a unique and experiential learning experience, held at the Academy by Google, designed to maximise exposure and learning from the best of London Tech Week. Up to 60 individuals from different backgrounds such as product, digital, marketing and finance will join a corporate innovation journey going from post-it® to prototype which culminates in a pitch to an expert panel. 

Running from 12 to 16 June, this ground-breaking new programme will help executives unlock and commercialise digital innovation. It’s a unique, fully immersive learning opportunity aimed at attracting the brightest and best talent in the UK and globally. The curriculum will be facilitated by Peter Sayburn from Market Gravity, a global proposition design consultancy, who has co-created the programme with London Tech Week Academy. Peter will lead the innovation curriculum, which will allow participants to take corporate innovation frameworks and capabilities back to their organisations along with a personal development plan and innovation handbook. 

The learning experience is for individuals with the drive and ambition to move their careers to the next level and help change and drive how their organisation innovates. Employers can sign up executives and high potentials to take part in the five-day experiential learning programme, which goes through the innovation process focusing on four types of activities: learning, experiencing, engaging, delivering. Participants can also access exclusive TechXLR8 events, which showcase the latest technology, with the opportunity to meet leading tech experts and innovation strategists.  

Peter Sayburn, co-founder and CEO at Market Gravity, says: “It’s a fantastic honour for us to be delivering the Innovation mini-MBA together with the team at London Tech Week Academy and we look forward to welcoming innovators working within large and medium business from all sectors. It’s a unique opportunity for executives with between five to 15 years’ experience, as well as their employers, to access insights into delivering innovation within the workplace.” 

“Innovation is bringing new and exciting opportunities to the businesses and now is the time to embrace the technology available and implement new ways of working to drive businesses forward and London Tech Week’s Academy is the ideal platform for executives looking to learn more about innovation processes first hand.” 

Peter is an entrepreneur, investor and author who has worked with some of the world’s most successful big businesses. He is passionate in the belief that if large companies are to live and grow in the digital age they must create a culture of innovation and embrace new digital technologies to stay ahead in the competitive marketplace.  

Fionnuala Duggan, Director of the London Tech Week Academy added: “This is the first time we’re including an Academy element as part of London Tech Week and Market Gravity was the ideal partner for this unique programme, thanks to the team’s deep expertise and experience of innovation within big businesses. This new learning event is immersive and engaging and we’re excited to be launching it at London Tech Week. We are looking forward to seeing participants engage with tech leaders and innovators at different events, such as TechXLR8 and LeadersIn Tech Summit, taking part throughout the week.” 

London Tech Week is a festival of live events across the city showcasing the best of technology along with networking, learning and meeting business leaders. The Academy will run over five days from 12 to 16 June and applications for the mini-MBA are open now. To find out more about London Tech Week and to register for the Innovation Mini-MBA, visit https://tmt.knect365.com/londontechweek-innovation-mba 

Market Gravity was founded in 2009 by Peter Sayburn and Gideon Hyde. They founded the company to help big businesses transform ideas into breakthrough propositions and inject an entrepreneurial spirit into corporate environments. Find out more about Market Gravity at www.marketgravity.com

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