Home Business NewsTech News London loves gadgets – More than a quarter of Londoners are offered wearables by their employers

London loves gadgets – More than a quarter of Londoners are offered wearables by their employers

20th Oct 16 10:45 am

Apple watch, anyone?

Over 25 per cent of workers in the capital are provided with wearable technology by their employers.

The global market for wearable gadgets, such as fitness bands and smartwatches, is expected to hit US$5.8 billion by 2018, a 800 per cent increase on its 2012 value.1 This popularity provides businesses with an opportunity to use the technology to collect valuable data on employee health.

The study commissioned by PMI Health Group, part of Willis Towers Watson, suggests this popularity is translating to the workplace, with London businesses by far the quickest adopters. The 26 per cent figure compares to a British average of nine per cent.

Of those Londoners who are not yet provided with wearable technology by their employers, only 41 per cent would object to its introduction in the future.

“Wearables have become commonplace in recent years and their popularity provides employers with a golden opportunity to collect valuable data that can be used to improve health and wellbeing,”said Mike Blake, Director at PMI Health Group.

“It appears businesses in London have been quick to embrace this and we have already seen many examples of company-funded wearable schemes, where employees accept devices in the understanding that the data generated will be shared with their employers.

“Such initiatives can form part of wider health and wellbeing programmes, helping businesses to identify areas of risk and empower staff to take positive action. Not only could this enable a more proactive approach to absence management, tackling worrying trends before they become problematic, but it could also help to reduce claims and health insurance costs in the long term.”

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