Home Breaking News London at risk of a ‘potential lockdown’ as infections spike

London at risk of a ‘potential lockdown’ as infections spike

by LLB Politics Reporter
14th Sep 20 2:41 pm

There are real concerns that London could be forced into a lockdown, as people are being “turned away from being tested.”

London has seen a huge spike in coronavirus infections, with swathes in North London boroughs which had almost 200 cases in 11 days this month.

No one knows what the true scale of infections are, but it is feared to be far higher as thousands are struggling to get a test, or an appointment.

With the reopening of school’s children are picking up bugs, leaving thousands of families being forced to self-isolate, waiting days for results.

Some are being forced to travel hundreds of miles to get a coronavirus test, but many thousands who are unable to travel that far are missing out and are being forced to wait, whilst self-isolating.

Mark Santos, Redbridge’s Cabinet member for public health told the Standard, “We have got a spike and people were being turned away from being tested.

“I’m worried about people getting seriously ill and dying.”

Santos added, “I would actively encourage people to follow the rules that keep them safe otherwise there is a real potential of a lockdown.”

The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) said their test-and-trace capacity is at the “highest it has ever been but we are seeing a significant demand for tests including from people who do not have symptoms.”

The DHSC spokesman added, “We are targeting testing capacity at the areas that need it most, including those where there is an outbreak, and prioritising at-risk groups.”

Using a Covid calculator, scientists have expressed their concerns that four east London boroughs are at risk of evolving into coronavirus “hotspots” within the next 17 days.

There is a 75% chance that Newham will become a hotspot along with a 74% chance of Havering, with a 67% chance for Tower Hamlets.

The figure for the whole of England currently stands a 67% chance.

Justice Secretary Robert Buckland told Sky News, that another national lockdown remains a “nuclear option.”

WHO director-general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus warned that Europe are now seeing infections rising higher than the first peak.

“Lives and livelihoods have been lost, the global economy is in recession and social and political fault lines have been exposed.

“The European region is no exception. Many of your countries have been the among hardest hit. We are by no means out of the woods.

“The average daily number of cases in the region is now higher than it was during the first peak in March.

“Fortunately, the number of deaths appears to be remaining at a relatively low level, for now.

“But every death is a tragedy, and there can be no room for complacency. If we do not keep transmission in check, more people will lose their lives, and there is the real risk of reintroducing so-called lockdown measures that have been so costly.”

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