Home Business News Leaving home without ‘reasonable excuse’ will land you a £200 fine

Leaving home without ‘reasonable excuse’ will land you a £200 fine

by LLB Politics Reporter
6th Nov 20 11:18 am

Second lockdown restrictions have now come into force and people across England who leave home without any reasonable excuse will be fined £200.

The limited reasons for leaving your home include, going to work if you cannot work from home, buying food, to seek medical attention and exercise.

You are not allowed to go on holiday or mix indoors with other households during the lockdown, which ends on 2 December, or you could face a fine.

The fine will double for every breach of the rules up to a maximum £6,400, which could also land you with a criminal conviction id you decide you will not pay.

Justice Secretary Robert Buckland supports the measures and said that only a “tiny minority” will defy the restrictions.

Police forces have said that they will “deal severely” with those who break the rules.

Speaking on BBC Radio 4’s Today programme he said, “The fines system is clear, it is already working.

“There will be increased fines for repeat offenders.”

“I think the message has to go out very clearly that this will only work if we all play our part,’ he added.

A document from the College of Policing said, “The list of reasonable excuses is not exhaustive and it is key that officers exercise judgment in a case where they encounter a person with an excuse that is not included in the list of exceptions.”

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