Home Brexit Leaked Brexit document warns of travel chaos and food shortages

Leaked Brexit document warns of travel chaos and food shortages

by LLB Politics Reporter
5th Aug 19 12:08 pm

A leaked government Brexit analyses document warns school meals could run short, exams may be disrupted and there is a “risk of travel disruption.”

The leaked analysis from the Department of Education (DfE) obtained by the Observer last week shows the risks involved over a no-deal Brexit for the UK.

The leaked document cites Dover as having the highest risk. The DfE document says, “Risk of travel disruption could result in school and early years settings closures, pupil and staff absence and exam disruption.”

Adding, that communications “could spark undue alarm or panic food buying among the general public” and “in light of any food shortages” it will guide how schools “can interpret the food menu standards flexibly.”

Angela Raynor MP, the shadow education secretary said, “This document lays bare the potential consequences of a disastrous no-deal Brexit for our schools and nurseries, and the parents and children who rely on them.

“By the government’s own admission, head teachers may be left unable to feed their pupils or forced to close their doors entirely.”

A spokeswoman for the DfE said, “We are confident provision for schools will be protected in the event of the UK having to leave the EU without an agreement and there are robust contingency plans in place to ensure schools are prepared in all eventualities.”

Another leaked government document suggests that a no-deal Brexit could trigger “consumer panic” with food shortages with an increased security threat level within a fortnight.

Last week the Bank of England governor Mark Carney warned that shoppers and motorists will face higher prices and that a “substantial number” of companies may find they are no longer to compete in its event.

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