Home Business NewsBusiness Launch of new charisma leadership programme to support businesses through change

Launch of new charisma leadership programme to support businesses through change

6th Sep 17 11:45 am

Brexit is causing challenging periods

With Brexit, organisational leaders are said to be facing one of the most challenging periods in change leadership for over 30 years, but with charismatic leaders on average 60 per cent more effective, Full Potential Group (FPG) one of the UK’s top leadership development, team and coaching companies is launching a new programme on charisma and authentic leadership to help support businesses through change.

  • Charismatic leaders are 60 per cent more effective on average according to research
  • Leaders with charisma find it easier to attract and retain talent, and build higher levels of workforce engagement
  • New charisma programme provides tools and processes to help leaders accelerate organisational effectiveness as they navigate change

Developed by international charisma expert, Nikki Owen, The Charisma Connection programme will enable business leaders and managers to identify how much of their charismatic potential they are using, provide the tools and processes to develop it and improve their ability to engage with employees for quick and high impact results on the bottom line.

Numerous studies show that charismatic leaders outperform their non-charismatic peers by an average of 60 per cent, (CBI 2014), while Nikki Owen’s research into the link between charisma and engagement with 150 business leaders* identified that charisma increased a leader’s ability to engage by an average of 19 per cent.

At the programme’s heart is the insight that you don’t have to shout or show off to be charismatic – it’s not about the stereotypical image that a charismatic leader is a confident extrovert with a big personality.  Instead, The Charisma Connection is designed to take leaders back to their authentic self – if we are true to who we really are at our core, our innate charisma shines through.

The programme will help participants develop their own individual charisma and improve their ability to engage using its unique Charisma Model. This finds what percentage of charismatic potential each participant is utilising and the areas requiring development by identifying five internal attributes which are reviewed and scored – compelling vision; self-esteem; sensory awareness; driving force and balanced energy. 

Carole Gaskell, managing director, Full Potential Group said: “I’m really excited to be launching our exclusive charisma programme to existing and new corporate clients. It’s a great addition to our services and we had a fantastic response to initial pilot taster sessions.

“As leadership experts, we know that leading change and engaging employees by its very nature is an emotional reaction. 

“You can’t simply engage a workforce with processes and measurement tools. If employees feel disconnected from their boss they’ll build walls of protection around them. 

“It’s only when people feel safe that an emotional connection and engagement can start to happen between the leader and employees – this is where authentic charismatic leadership can really unlock the door to more effective engagement and business growth – it’s the easiest way to navigate employees through uncertain times.”

Owen added: “Charisma is an authentic power that captivates the hearts and minds of others. When you’re true to who you are at your core you shine in your own unique way. 

“There’s a charismatic leader within all of us but it takes courage to let go of the things that stop you being your true authentic self.  When a leader is at their most charismatic they hold the key to engage others because they are at their most compelling.”

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