Home Business NewsPolitics News Labour’s manifesto has funding details of EVERY policy – will this be a vote winner?

Labour’s manifesto has funding details of EVERY policy – will this be a vote winner?

13th Apr 15 10:41 am

Labour’s new manifesto is what we’d expect from the Conservatives (and vice versa)

As a nation, we’ll probably never come to a consensus on whether Labour was responsible for the recession, in power at the wrong time or actively avoided a national catastrophe.

The Conservatives are historically thought of as the party with economic savvy that deliberately and cold-heartedly screws us over. Meanwhile Labour is seen as the less economically-capable party screwing us over with its incompetence.

In what could be an effort to change perceptions, Labour is releasing a fully-costed manifesto, explaining where it will find the money for all its measures. It plans to spend and borrow as little as possible, in stark contrast to what we’re familiar with.

Meanwhile, the Tories have pledged to spend an extra £8bn on the NHS, but haven’t been able to explain where the money will come from.

Role-reversal much?

Now Labour’s manifesto has hit our desks, we asked voters whether they could trust the party with the economy now they can see where Labour plans to find the cash for each of its policies.

Does Labour’s fully-costed manifesto make you more likely to trust them on the economy? We asked our readers

On Facebook

Anon: Didn’t know they had one stopped listening to them all

Jonathan Bawden: Costed on what? In short, no.

Luke Farley: Would have been much easier for Labour if the Tories hadn’t blocked again and again moves [by Labour] to have their spending plans fully analysed and audited by the OBR.

Alex Campbell: No. Their supposed costing of economic reforms is a job the chancellor should have been doing in power. This is an exercise in closing the gate after the horse has bolted.

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