Home Business NewsBusiness Ken Livingstone lambasted for blaming Tony Blair for 7/7 bombings & saying terrorists “gave their lives” for cause

Ken Livingstone lambasted for blaming Tony Blair for 7/7 bombings & saying terrorists “gave their lives” for cause

27th Nov 15 10:00 am

Former London Mayor Ken Livingstone is being lambasted for claiming that Tony Blair is responsible for the 7/7 bombings.

Speaking on Question Time, Livingstone said the former prime minister neglected warnings that invading Iraq would make Britain a terror target.

Livingstone said: “When Tony Blair was told by the security services, ‘if you go into Iraq, we will be a target for terrorism’, and he ignored that advice, and it killed 52 Londoners.”

In response to Livinstone’s comments former Labour political advisor and comedian Matt Forde said: “This idea that you can absolve the people that killed those innocent Londoners by blaming Tony Blair is shameful.

“Blame it on the people who carried out the atrocity.”

To which Livingstone said: “Go and look what they put on their website. They did those killings because of our invasion of Iraq.

“They gave their lives, they said what they believed, they took Londoners lives in protest against our invasion of Iraq.

“And we were lied to by Tony Blair about Iraq, there were no weapons of mass destruction.”


Ken Livingstone


Livingstone got a lot of people livid with his comments, take a look at a few responses:





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