Home Business NewsBusiness Just two in ten would be comfortable holidaying abroad after virus crisis

Just two in ten would be comfortable holidaying abroad after virus crisis

by LLB Editor
25th May 20 10:38 am

New online polling by Ipsos MORI finds that just 20% of people would feel comfortable taking a holiday abroad if the lockdown restrictions were lifted in the next month.  It looks like the UK tourism trade could recover more quickly, with 45% of Britons aged 18-75 saying they would feel comfortable holidaying in this country, although a similar proportion (44%) would still have their worries.

In an expanded and updated review of our research from April, there seems to be little change in the public’s anticipated ease in behaviours like travelling on public transport (22% feel comfortable) or visiting bars and restaurants (29%).  Despite the current debate, half of parents remain uncomfortable with the idea of sending their children to school in the next month, with 38% now comfortable, little change from three weeks ago.

A majority of people (58%) say they would feel comfortable visiting their GP for non-coronavirus related issues, however a third are anxious about doing this.

Despite people being encouraged to return to work where working from home isn’t an option, only 47% of workers feel comfortable returning to their place of work, again little change from April.  There has been a small increase in the proportion who would feel comfortable shopping in supermarkets as normal (up five points to 56%), although one in three would still be worried.

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