Home Brexit Johnson offers Juncker no solution over the Irish backstop

Johnson offers Juncker no solution over the Irish backstop

by LLB Reporter
16th Sep 19 2:36 pm

On Monday Boris Johnson met with the European Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker to discuss Brexit over lunch.

In a statement after the working lunch Juncker said no proposal was put forward to replace the Irish backstop.

The statement said, “The aim of the meeting was to take stock of the ongoing technical talks between the EU and the UK and to discuss the next steps.

“President Juncker recalled that it is the UK’s responsibility to come forward with legally operational solutions that are compatible with the withdrawal agreement.

“President Juncker underlined the Commission’s continued willingness and openness to examine whether such proposals meet the objectives of the backstop. Such proposals have not yet been made.

“The Commission will remain available to work 24/7. The October European Council will be an important milestone in the process.

“The EU27 remain united.”

Downing Street said the meeting was “constructive” and Johnson and Juncker have agreed to intensify discussions.

A Downing Street spokesperson said, “The prime minister and president Juncker had a constructive meeting this lunchtime.

“The leaders took stock of the ongoing talks between the UK’s team and Taskforce 50.

“The PM reconfirmed his commitment to the Good Friday/Belfast Agreement and his determination to reach a deal with the backstop removed, that UK parliamentarians could support.

“The PM also reiterated that he would not request an extension and would take the UK out of the EU on the 31 October.

“The leaders agreed that the discussions needed to intensify and that meetings would soon take place on a daily basis.

“It was agreed that talks should also take place at a political level between Michel Barnier and the Brexit secretary, and conversations would also continue between president Juncker and the prime minister.”

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