Home Business Insights & Advice Is there no longer a demand for office space? A discussion

Is there no longer a demand for office space? A discussion

by Sponsored Content
1st Mar 22 1:58 pm

The past few years have certainly brought some challenges for the working world. Businesses have been forced to adapt to remote working, and office spaces quickly became less overcrowded. Many business leaders wonder if there is even a demand for office space anymore.

This article will discuss whether the demand for office space is still high by looking at factors such as hybrid working and employees’ attitudes towards working in the office.

Office space in the UK

To understand whether there is a demand for office space, we should start looking into the success of different sectors. For example, the UK technology sector just achieved its best year ever in 2021. Now, the industry is expanding out of the capital and into other cities in the UK, meaning there are more jobs up for grabs. More jobs – means there is a demand for more office space across the country.

The question still stands – can the UK keep up with an office demand? After a turbulent few years for many businesses, many companies have chosen to downsize their office space to cut costs. In London, a lot of commercial spaces have long leases. In a bid to save money, many businesses are now choosing to rent these spaces out to others.

Increased demand for flexibility

The demand for office space in the UK is still there. However, business leaders are now facing an increased need for flexibility. They no longer want to be tied into long commercial leases. Instead, they are looking for more flexible leases. For example, a rolling month-by-month lease allows businesses to increase or downsize their space when it suits them. Companies can quickly adapt to help them cut costs or support growth by moving to a larger office space.

With the demand for flexibility at an all-time high, it looks like leases for commercial spaces will have to change. It’s time to wave goodbye to those 10-year leases that are no longer desirable and hello to a more flexible approach to working for all.

Restructuring your office space

Generally, it seems the demand for office space has not totally diminished. Instead, companies are looking for ways to restructure and redesign their environments to adapt to new working styles. For example, if your business wants to offer hybrid working, you need to restructure your office to accommodate this. To achieve this, it is advised that you employ a commercial interior design consultancy like Amos Beech. Their team have transformed office spaces, helping business leaders get the most out of their commercial space.

Consultancies like this help businesses adapt their office space to make them more desirable and accessible for employees. Remote working hasn’t fully taken over, and for many people, it can be pretty lonely at times. So, many employees need to know that they have an office space to go to if they need it, meaning the demand for these commercial spaces is still there.

Employees attitudes towards working in the office

The number of remote workers has dramatically risen over the years, which has affected workplace culture for many businesses. Many companies are keen to get their employees back into the office to help them reinstate their values and allow their employees to, once again, feel connected. It may be the case that some employees who have started the job remotely – are yet to meet anyone from their company in person.

As we know, employees play a vital role in the creation of workplace culture. Bringing them together in an office space where they can work collaboratively and interact with one another is an ideal way to reinstate a supportive culture. Something that is more difficult to achieve without an office space. You can learn more about the creation of workplace culture through various online resources.

Hybrid working

Hybrid working has quickly become a popular workplace trend that shows no signs of dying out anytime soon. Research shows two in five employers will embrace hybrid working by 2023. Now, business leaders want to accommodate this working style as it can offer many benefits for both employees and the business they work for. Hybrid working has emphasised the importance of a healthy work-life balance by allowing people to work at a location that suits them.

Working from home has also seen a positive effect on employee well-being. It takes away the pressure of having to work in an office. That being said, working from home can be difficult for some. Therefore, office space is still required to give people a collaborative environment when they need it.


The nature of the working world has dramatically changed over the years. However, this does not mean the demand for office spaces has completely diminished. Instead, businesses are learning to adapt their environments to suit new working styles. This means they no longer need to get rid of offices altogether; they need to restructure and redesign them to suit their employees and business’s needs.


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