Home Business Insights & Advice Innovation and commitment: The history of the Porcelanosa Group

Innovation and commitment: The history of the Porcelanosa Group

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8th Feb 21 11:09 am

Currently, the Porcelanosa Group has 1,000 stores of its own and 43 logistics centres around the world and its growth continues to rise. France, the United Kingdom, and the United States are its main international markets. These three countries have at times reached 50% of the company’s commercial activity.

Continue reading this post and learn about the history of the company that revolutionized the market and communication.

How Porcelanosa was born

Its origins date back to 1973, in Villarreal, in the process of transformation of the provincial economy from the agricultural to the industrial sector. Its founders, Mr. José Soriano, promoter and benchmark of the ceramic industry in the province of Castellón, together with the brothers Héctor and Manuel Colonques, opted for the creation of a white-body ceramic floor and wall tile manufacturing plant, an initiative pioneer in a time when practically all pottery was produced with red clay. The similarity of white paste to porcelain is what gave rise to its name.

The strong demand and the entrepreneurial spirit of its founders led to the birth of another seven companies related to interior design and architecture, forming the current map of this business group that, in addition to offering ceramic products, has also specialized in the production of flooring and coatings with natural materials, such as wood or stone; as well as kitchen furniture and complete bathroom equipment, and even advanced construction systems for today’s architecture.

The diversification of production and the creation of a unique distribution system, based on the establishment of a network of its own stores at an international level, with more than 1000 points of sale around the world, have been, and continue to be, the pillars growth of this business holding company with 100% Spanish capital.

Another way to communicate

Until the early 1980s, ceramics were considered one more building material, and that was how it was promoted until the arrival of the Porcelanosa Group. Its communication strategy revolutionized the sector because it associated ceramics with a lifestyle based on design and exclusivity. Pioneer in promoting its products through famous and famous people, which in turn allowed modernizing the advertising language, its ads marked a before and after in the world of television.

At that time, the inauguration of the Porcelanosa stores became a media and social phenomenon, whose repercussions reached the national and international press and the most influential business circles.

The highest quality on the market

The Porcelanosa Group materials comply with the highest levels of demand and quality. This fact has allowed the Company to occupy a first position within the national and international market, thus differentiating itself from the competition. From the Porcelanosa Group’s different technical departments, the composition, resistance and durability of each piece is analysed.

Exclusive design

The Porcelanosa Group pieces follow the principles of elegance, timelessness, and balance. To achieve this, its designers seek new aesthetic references and models to create more avant-garde, functional, and dynamic designs. This constant renewal is at the service of each client’s needs, whether they are interior designers, architects, builders or private customers. Each of their firms offers tailor-made proposals to suit each project’s specific requirements.

United Nations global compact

Porcelanosa Group adhered to the Pact United Nations World Cup in 2015 to meet with environmental and social objectives XXI century. To achieve this, its eight companies are committed to saving energy, innovating, using and recycling natural resources and manufacturing sustainable products. Their business commitment involves establishing honest business partnerships, alliances and agreements with international organisations, institutional officials and private customers.

The protection of human rights and the environment, technological commitment, and the development of inclusive policies are some of the measures adopted by the Porcelanosa Group in recent years. Principles that have been applied to all its teams and business units.

Environmental commitment

Committed to sustainability and environmental protection, the Porcelanosa Group has implemented different actions and protocols in the production processes that reduce CO2 emissions, decrease waste and promote the proper use of water resources.

An ecological transition to that this company has joined through its EcoProject. Transforming basic raw materials into more environmentally friendly products, saving energy and using own resources to create more durable, sustainable and non-polluting products are some of the measures implemented so far.

These measures are already paying off. The company’s materials have obtained an extra score in the main building certificates and, in addition, water is purified and the natural environment is protected at its workplaces.

Another of his “green measures” goes through reusing the natural waste that is generated during the ceramic production process.. Thus, the leftover material from other collections is reintroduced into the production process and allows the creation of new ceramic pieces. These new pieces carry the Ecological Ceramics label, which certifies their eco-efficient manufacturing process.

Why not choose one of the companies with the most experience, style, and commitment in the world?

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