Home Business News Infections across England double with 120,000 new cases in a week

Infections across England double with 120,000 new cases in a week

9th Oct 20 4:19 pm

According to the Office for National Statistics (ONS) infections across England have doubled despite localised lockdowns.

In the week to 1 October the ONS said infections have surged by an estimated 17,200 each day in private households, or 120,000 a week, which is the equivalent of o.41% of the population.

Compared to the previous week of 18 to 24 September, this is a significant rise from 116,000, or 0.21% of the population.

In recent weeks coronavirus cases have “increased rapidly in recent weeks,” the ONS warned.

Sir Jeremy Farrar who is one of many scientists that advise the government, has slammed the government over inaction on the pandemic.

In a grim warning he warned “we are back to choices faced in early March,” just before the UK went into a national lockdown and Brits were told to “stay at home.” 

Health chiefs and Dr’s have warned that hospitals in the North could run out of coronavirus beds within a week.

Health Secretary Matt Hancock warned on Friday that the UK has reached a “perilous moment” in the pandemic and said he is “very worried” over a surge in local cases.

Hospital admissions have spike in parts of England which is becoming “very serious” as hospitals are nearing maximum capacity and face being “overwhelmed.”

Dr Katherine Henderson of the RCEM warned, “We need to be clear about the scale of what we face as we go into winter. 

“If we do not come together and take effective precautions, Covid will continue its explosion across the country; a devastating consequence of which could be the implosion of our NHS this winter.

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