Home Human Resources News Ineffective management ‘wastes Londoners time’

Ineffective management ‘wastes Londoners time’

by LLB Editor
11th Nov 11 4:40 pm

Employees in London are losing valuable hours of their working day because of mistakes made by their managers, a survey has found.

Ineffective management could be costing businesses in the UK up to £19bn a year in lost working hours, according to a Chartered Management Institute (CMI) study. Approximately £900 a year could be being wasted due to management “errors”, the report found.

Almost a third (31 per cent) of London’s workers blamed unclear communication from management for lost time in the workplace, while 30 per cent said a lack of support from managers had wasted working hours. Nearly one in four (24 per cent) of London’s employees cited micro-management as one of the management failures most culpable for lost time and 22 per cent of workers said a lack of direction was to blame.

Londoners also pointed out the best traits for managers to have, with more than half (56 per cent) of workers saying it was important for a boss to be a good listener and approachable when there are problems. Some 44 per cent of employees in the capital believe good managers communicate clearly and effectively, offering constructive feedback. Good managers excel at their job and meet business and customer needs, according to 42 per cent of London workers surveyed.

CMI acting chief executive Christopher Kinsella said: “This survey highlights some disappointing, but not necessarily surprising, numbers. With only one in five UK managers holding a professional management qualification and many organisations not properly investing in management training, it’s not surprising that some managers are making mistakes in how they work.

“Yet we are in one of the hardest economic climates we’ve faced in some time, and business bosses need to understand the financial impacts of not having properly trained and qualified managers. Improving the skills of the management workforce is absolutely key in terms of individual business success, in terms of delivering effective public services and in terms of helping the UK deliver on a world stage.”

The CMI’s research also found that across the UK 13 per cent of employees had seen managers use discriminatory behaviour towards workers based on race, age, gender or sexual orientation. One in three workers nationwide had been managers harassing or bullying their staff.

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