Home Business NewsBusiness India gets new washing machine with “curry” mode

India gets new washing machine with “curry” mode

10th Mar 17 9:11 am

What does it do?

A new washing machine has been launched on the Indian market to help against curry stains.

Panasonic has said the introduction of the “curry” mode came about after customers complained about not being able to get the foods stain out of their clothes.

It also spoke of how it took two years to come up with the latest development, it had to thoroughly test combinations of temperature and water flow.

The tech also has five other cycles aimed at the Indian consumer, there’s one that will help remove traces of hair oil.

Panasonic told the BBC that around 5,000 machines had been sold so far, its target is to sell at least 30,000 by March next year.

The washing machine sells for 22,000 Indian rupees (£268;$330), this latest model costs around 10 per cent more than a typical washing machine.

Panasonic also said it had plans of similar machines in the future for other Asian markets, to help tackle stains specific to those countries. However, it did not elaborate on this.

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