Home Business NewsBusiness Hurrah for us! London is the world’s most desirable place to work

Hurrah for us! London is the world’s most desirable place to work

6th Oct 14 8:55 am

One is six people in the world want to work in London, according to a new international survey of more than 200,000 people from 189 countries.

London came ahead of New York, Paris, Sydney, Madrid, Barcelona, Berlin, Toronto, Singapore and Rome in the top 10, and, obviously, also ahead of everywhere else in the survey, which was conducted by The Boston Consulting Group, totaljobs.com The Network.

The UK came in as the second-most desirable country to work in, behind the US, and just ahead of Canada.

Mike Booker, international director at totaljobs.com, said high salary prospects, the strength of our financial services industry, our cultural diversity and the quality of our public healthcare were all attractive to overseas jobseekers.

He added: “This report cements London’s reputation as a truly global city. Not only does it offer a wealth of job opportunities in a range of industries, but it boasts some of the world’s top cultural attractions, so it’s no surprise that people across the globe want to come and work here.”

He also suggested that London employers think globally when recruiting. “As the workforce is so mobile, companies will have to compete globally to attract the best talent, making sure that they target the right groups and differentiate their recruitment strategy.”

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