Home Business NewsBusiness Hundreds of cosmetic jobs at risk

Hundreds of cosmetic jobs at risk

14th Mar 17 3:29 pm

What’s happened?

A total of 400 jobs are set to be lost due to the closure of a Northumberland cosmetics factory.

Coty which makes cosmetics and perfumes said it will be closing its factory in Seaton Delaval.

The factory is set to close by the end of 2018, however a consultation and board approval needs to go ahead first.

The firm said its wants to combine its fragrance operations into “fewer core centres”.

Kay Plumley, site leader at Seaton Delaval said: “I am committed to fully supporting all our colleagues through the coming months.”

“Our priority is to work closely with them and their families throughout the consultation and to ensure that everyone is treated fairly and with respect.”


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