Home Business Insights & Advice How to save money on your next move

How to save money on your next move

by Sarah Dunsby
4th Jun 24 1:36 pm

Moving can be expensive and cheap based on your planning for the entire journey. Most of us are on a limited budget and want to be smart with our moving plan. From packing to hiring man and van London movers, there are a lot of ways to save your money. Stocking up on new packing supplies, hiring professionals, renting delivery services, and many other ways can cause a shocking increase in your moving expenses.

Still, there are a lot of ways to be financially smart during moving and appropriate planning will help you do it. In this blog, we have included outstanding tips to save money on your next move. Dive in to learn more about managing your budget during moving.

Financially smart tips to move

  • Plan your moving

Before you start packing, it is necessary to estimate the workload and your moving budget to know what you can spend. If the budget is tight, skip hiring professionals or buying new packing supplies, and switch to DIY moving. Instead of starting working on your moving project only a few days before, spare sufficient time for planning and packing.

If you want to go with hiring professionals, surf the internet for as many movers as you can and shortlist based on your budget and the services that they are offering. Get quotes from the shortlisted companies and hand over your load to them.

  • Be smart with your moving supplies

Packing for moving is not about stuffing the random boxes and stacking them in a truck and moving to the next place. Each item in your luggage will be going through various hands until they reach the destination. So, your moving supplies matter.

Instead of buying new boxes and other supplies, we suggest you collect them for free as much as you can. Look around in your home and gather the newspapers, bubble wraps, cartons, or other things lying in your garage that you can use for packing. if not enough, ask your friends and family or thrift to get them at comparatively low prices.

  • Eliminate junk from your luggage

You are mentally and emotionally attached to your new home so you will never want to fill it with junk. A clean home marks your physical and mental well-being so eliminate such items from your luggage that you are not going to be using at your new home. Selling or donating is a wiser option to do it if they are in good-to-use condition.

Organize a garage sale where you can sell old furniture, clothes, or other household items and use that money for other moving supplies. Donation is another way to let other people use the things that are no longer needed by you. Carefully dispose of the leftover junk at the right disposal facility.

  • Be wise with your purchases

Yes! It is tempting to find the cool things that go well with your new home’s interior but is it necessary to buy them? The right answer comes by asking yourself about it. if there are the things at your previous home that can serve the purpose, there is no need to buy their substitutes and let the environment suffer with them lying in the landfills.

The same thing applies to furniture, clothes, and even packing supplies. Repurpose the items as much as you can and save your money. Later, you may need to spend on buying new items like furniture if the old one does not fit in. If you need to buy anything, never go for lost minute shopping as it can compel you to make incorrect choices costing you more.

  • Plan your utilities

This tip goes for both places, your old and new home. First of all, make advance arrangements to cut the utilities at your old home as you will never want to pay for internet or electricity at two places at the same time.

Moreover, you have to get the connections at your new place. Check your previous service providers or popular ones at your new place. Many of them offer discounts or cost-effective plans for the new setup. Choose the appropriate one ahead of time. These things will help you with the smart planning of all your utilities to prevent chaos.

  • Carefully hire the movers

DIY moving dreads many of us due to the lack of experience. So, it is perfectly fine to go with hiring a professional but you need to make a careful choice. Low-bidding companies may look tempting but you can’t trade low-quality services for the sake of saving money.

First of all, make sure that the company you are hiring has both physical and online presence and is providing insurance for the safe delivery of your belongings. Secondly, sign a written contract after reading it carefully. Check online reviews or ask your family or friends for their suggestions to select an amazing moves company.

Final words

In conclusion, making smart choices is the key to saving money on your next move. Plan ahead of time for the cost-effective options. Look for as many free options as you can and if have to buy something, prefer second-hand buying. The above tips will help you with your early preparations for a cost-effective move.

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