Home Business Insights & Advice How to find the right time to invest in cryptocurrency?

How to find the right time to invest in cryptocurrency?

by Sponsored Content
19th Jun 20 1:55 pm

Trading can be beneficial, but also one can face losses if not done right. When it comes to trading, a key thing is finding the right time to invest and execute a trade. People usually can pick the wrong time to invest because they can be captured by FOMO (fear of missing out). When the bubble is at its peak, one can buy massively, hoping not to miss the chance to make money while not understanding cryptocurrencies.

An answer to when one should invest in cryptocurrency does not exist. But whenever you want to invest, you must take into account some indicators. We could give two pieces of advice about the timing.

First, don’t compare cryptocurrency bubbles with regular financial bubbles. 10% up in bitcoin is not a bubble but can be daily volatility. 100% up can be a bubble, but often it might mean that it has just started. That’s why you must always do your research.

What do experts say?

There are different opinions about this matter. Teeka Tiwari, who is a former Wall Street trader turned cryptocurrency expert, discusses why now is the time for new investors to buy bitcoin. He believes that we are in an unusual time of history because of a rare sensation about to hit the cryptocurrency market.

Tiwari claims that five coins will be exceptional to invest in. He says that people have a fear that hinders them from investing but advises that fear should not stop anyone from taking action and investing.

For more, Tiwari is hosting an event where he will release “the final 5.” These are the last five coins that he claims could turn $500 into as much as $5 million. If you want to know more about this event, click here: 5coinsto5million.io.


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