Home Business Insights & Advice How online communication has changed for business over the years

How online communication has changed for business over the years

by Sarah Dunsby
5th Aug 22 1:30 pm

In the last few years, and especially since early 2020, online communication has advanced in leaps and bounds – creating a more connected world, both personally and professionally. It can be easy to forget how things used to be at work especially, with rigid emails and even faxing being very recent history! Here, take a reflective look at how online communication has changed for businesses, where we stand now, and where we may go next…

The current landscape of online communication

In 2022, it feels as though we have reached a peak in online and mobile communication, with more ways than ever to get in touch with our colleagues. Internally, we have more ways than ever to speak with our colleagues, which has been invaluable over the past two years. Video conferencing and cloud-based file sharing allow colleagues around the world to work for a single company without delays or difficulties. Whether you are a remote or hybrid worker, this has increased the scope for hiring and working.

External communication for businesses

It isn’t only internal communication that has changed almost beyond recognition. Nowadays, companies of all kinds are more accessible than ever. Customer support is more varied in the current day, with chat functions on business websites being common, as well as dedicated email and phone lines when it comes to the communication side of business planning. VoIP technology allows for employees to quickly get on calls with customers all from their laptop, even if they work from home – and social media websites such as Twitter are commonly utilised for handling customer queries and complaints in a simple and direct way.

Taking it to mobile

Most websites are designed with the user’s desktop experience in mind – but with the growth of browsing using smartphones, it has become necessary to take a ‘mobile first’ approach. This means that content should be optimised for those using smartphones, tablets, and any upcoming mobile devices that are taking the market by storm. Mobile technology is the perfect way for businesses to reach their target audience with millions of people having access and preferring mobiles over any other form of tech. With the iGaming industry, many companies communicate to their customers through social media to provide online customer service, news updates, new games like LeoVegas Blackjack, and more. Whatever industry your business is based in, you can rest assured to benefit from taking it to mobile!

How has technology changed over the years?

Even ten to fifteen years ago, internal and external communication for businesses looked very different. Emails were formal, much like written letters, and companies still relied on physical landlines and mobile phones. Information could only be stored in a single location for many companies, as cloud-based platforms were not widely popularised or as accessible as they are now. Not only that, but communication with customers was often only possible through phone calls, in-person visits, and email. Chat functions and speaking to customers via social media wasn’t as normal as today, making it more difficult for customers to get in touch.

A change in tone

In the past it was perfectly normal to type up emails even to close colleagues – that were extremely formal. This could be useful for clarity but also wasn’t always the most suitable for those who work closely together. Now, with the rise of instant messaging within companies, the overall tone is a lot more relaxed. Emojis are common, allowing for a more approachable and friendly tone, and informal language is no longer frowned upon. This quick and familiar way of communicating can help to break down barriers between colleagues, creating a better environment – and quicker problem-solving!

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