Home Business NewsBusiness How much the average worker in London could earn during their commute

How much the average worker in London could earn during their commute

by LLB Reporter
10th Jan 19 2:32 pm

Meetupcall conference call provider has discovered how much a worker in London could earn each day, year, and over a lifetime, if they spent their commute working.

This follows reports from Personnel Today, which identified a consistent rise in commuting times, with travel times now five minutes longer than they were in 2007. With UK workers losing more and more time to the daily commute, what does this equate to in terms of potential earnings?

Workers of London, could earn an average of £13.32 each day on their commute, which over a year equates to a significant £3,462.03. Based on a full working lifetime of 49-years (16-65), the potential earnings throughout a whole career is a whopping £169,639.47.

Workers in London’s potential earnings are higher than the UK-wide average, which comes in at £6.29 per day, £1,635.40 per year, and £80,134.60 over a working lifetime. Conversely, the people from Northern Ireland have the potential to earn the least over a lifetime, at £58,013.35 – £4.56 a day, £1,183.94 a year.

Dan Greenslade, marketing specialist at Meetupcall said, “It’s not until you crunch the numbers that you can see the staggering financial cost of commuting in London, and across the whole of the UK.”

“There is such high earning potential during commutes, we can’t help but wonder whether this research will make individuals rethink how they spend their commute – and perhaps make more productive use of the time.”

He added, “Employers have options too. There are so many developments in technology now that facilitate remote working, allowing staff to cut out the commute entirely, or work flexibly while they’re on the move.”

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