Home Business Insights & Advice How artificial intelligence has changed the travel industry

How artificial intelligence has changed the travel industry

by Sponsored Content
29th Jul 19 2:24 pm

From bots booking reservations to towel-delivering robots, the hotel industry sees technology as a way to improve guest service and employee routine. With constant innovations in tools and services, technology continues to transform the global tourism industry, with ever better and more affordable travel for both the consumer and business.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a form of automated machine learning where computers gain insight and adapt from patterns and input without being explicitly programmed. Think of algorithms that can predict patterns, relationships, and responses, everything from Facebook suggestions to Google searches to autonomous cars – even virtual assistants like Alexa and Siri always seem to know the answer to questions using word processing. natural language – and the overview of how AI is transforming industries and everyday life becomes clear.

The volume of data analyzed through Artificial Intelligence is impressive. For example, Amazon Web Services, or AWS, processes 1.2 petabytes (ie 10 out of 15) to produce the traveler profile, transaction report, and rating optimization bets for Expedia. Every day, 10,000 automated actions and hundreds of thousands of keywords are processed within 60,000 hours of processing, producing 51 terabytes of data. This allows customer interactions to take place in just 2 seconds, essentially close to real time.

The number of AI-driven devices and interactions is increasing. Ovum estimates that by 2021 we will have 7.5 billion digital assistants worldwide. Billions already provide weather, traffic, and entertainment information – as well as allowing for hotel searches, flight status updates, and more.

Amazon has sold over 20 million Alexa devices, according to a 2017 report by Consumer Intelligence Research Partners. Many smartphone users are excited about how voice-assisted digital assistants anticipate needs, and according to Gartner, by 2020, 30 percent of web searches will be done without a screen.

Beyond a travel trend: How hotels use AI

Artificial Intelligence is transforming the travel industry, allowing hoteliers, airlines, car rental companies and other major players to engage more with customers. Instead of replacing the human experience, AI is refining it by helping to quickly predict and meet customer needs.

Technology makes reservations easier and helps provide enhanced services when a guest arrives at a hotel, for example. AI promotes this while collecting data that can be used to analyze overall customer needs, giving hoteliers the tools to help increase sales and market penetration.

Hotels of all sizes and categories are also finding ways to apply AI in booking processes. It is part of an overall experience that ensures customer satisfaction and engagement throughout their stay, helping to generate new bookings.

Small businesses invest in forecasting apps, which use sales data and customer interactions to gain insight into booking patterns, a specialty typically found only in larger companies. In addition, small businesses can use AI to forecast occupancy and pricing, compare rates and book availability. The right pricing structure can put them ahead of competitors in the category, increasing online visibility.


AI reduces friction on services that can frustrate guests, such as waiting for room service or changing a towel, while allowing hotel staff to focus on delivering an incredible customer experience.

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