Home Business Insights & Advice How are Google product listing ads a boon for your e-commerce business?

How are Google product listing ads a boon for your e-commerce business?

by Sarah Dunsby
18th Sep 18 10:34 am

When you want to search for something, what do you do? The answer for most of us is that we search Google! Likewise, most people who can prospective customers for the businesses are also using Google.

Paid marketing is an indispensable part of business strategies. When more and more customers are found online, it becomes imperative for businesses to increase their internet presence.

The Product Listing Ads feature is commonly known as Google Shopping. As per Google, these are the “ads promoting your product inventory from Google Merchant Centre”.

Like the Google AdWords’ click-through ads, these are also PPC marketing tools. While the conventional AdWords Ads are text-based, these contain images and reviews as well.

You pay a cost per click fee for these ads. On click, the user is directed to the merchant site.

So, how does it help your business?

Wider outreach

Not just Google Search, you can also include Google partner sites like YouTube and Image Search in your campaign. This is though available for selected countries only.

For local catalogue ads, even Google Display Network is covered.

As Google is a trusted search engine, the users are expected to trust the product listings more when these are displayed by Google itself.

I am sure no business wants to miss out on a forum which gives so much exposure. It also aids in increasing the brand awareness for the not so known businesses. For the established ones, it has huge potential for business growth.

Prominent positioning

As you can see from the image, when someone searches for a laptop in Google, these product listing ads appear on the top of the search page, even before the search results.

So, a Google user searching for something first sees the ads and then the search results are displayed.

With such a prominent position, the internet user has hardly any possibility of missing it.

Traffic to your website

PLAs act as hyperlinks to your website. These incoming links, directly from Google, increase your website’s domain authority.

Your website gets traffic from Google searches. Isn’t this also one of the best ways of achieving search engine optimization for your website?

Capturing genuine leads

The traffic coming through PLAs is one of the best that you can expect. This is because only those internet users who are interested in your product would search for it on Google. And out of these, the ones interested in buying would click on the ad leading to your website.

The search uses keywords and the product listings specifically matching with these are displayed. This further ensures quality leads.

It is a fact that these ads have very high click-through rates. Though the budget increases due to this, the revenue also goes high and that is the motive of any business ultimately.

High conversion

While most social media ads are unsolicited, Google product listing ads are displayed for those products which were search by the user himself. So, these do not annoy or distract the users. They help in directing genuinely interested users to your website.

The users are coming to your website with an intention of purchasing your product. This is the reason why these ads have significantly high conversion rates.

The search also incorporates keywords, so the best match product ads are displayed. Since the search ends with these perfectly matched products, the possibility of the user making a purchase increases.

User-friendly tools

If you have an e-commerce site with a very large product range, these ad listings are some of the best ways to manage bulk promotion.

You can even select the desired cost per click based on your budget.

Ads are created by Google from your product feeds. This reduces the hassles of maintaining multiple product descriptions.

The product description keywords are also picked up directly from your product data feeds. So any updates in the descriptions are reflected actively in your ads.

Moreover, a single campaign can work for multiple product groups. Grouping can be done based on your preferred parameters like the brand, category, product type, etc.

The campaign can be directly managed from your AdWords account. It is convenient to use.

Effective performance monitoring      

Google provides excellent tools for performance monitoring of your campaign. Your account itself makes these tools available for you to track your campaign regularly.

Various types of reports can be generated and viewed in your account. These give you a fair idea of the effectiveness of your ads.

You can expect a good ad performance simply by maintaining your feeds and product data quality well. And measuring performance is even simpler. What more do you want?


A recent research suggests that a majority of the customers prefer to shop online. And, so your business must also have a strong reach online.

Google is famous all over the world. For a global reach, the best idea is to use such forums.

Thus, participating in the PLA ad campaign helps you advertise your products to a wider audience through Google search.

Do it now!

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