Home Business News Haiti scandal: Oxfam boss apologises for damaging charity sector

Haiti scandal: Oxfam boss apologises for damaging charity sector

20th Feb 18 11:48 am

Senior charity bosses to face grilling by MPs today

Facing questions from MPs today, Oxfam GB’s chief executive has apologised to the parliamentary committee for the actions of charity staff who sexually exploited victims of the 2010 earthquake in Haiti, and for damaging public faith in the charity sector.

Goldring was appearing alongside other Oxfam executives in front of the Commons International Development Committee, which is probing sexual exploitation in the aid sector.

Scandal hit one of Britain’s best-known charities after media reported how it had covered up the use of prostitutes by senior staff after the 2010 Haiti earthquake. Since the story broke, Goldring said 26 reports of recent and historic incidents have been made by Oxfam workers.

Committee chairman Stephen Twigg also said the parallel he drew with the murder of babies in his interview with the Guardian was regarded by many people as “grossly inappropriate”. To this Goldring apologised and said he was ‘under stress’ while making the comment.

“I repeat Oxfam’s broader apology and my personal apology. I am sorry, we are sorry, for the damage Oxfam has done both to the people of Haiti but also to wider efforts for aid and development by possibly undermining public support.

“I wholeheartedly apologise for those comments and commit to work in that greater public interest so that Oxfam can make a powerful role in the world that we all believe in,” Goldring added.

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