Home Business NewsBusiness Gig economy – Matthew Taylor to give evidence to Work & Pensions and BEIS Select Committees

Gig economy – Matthew Taylor to give evidence to Work & Pensions and BEIS Select Committees

15th Sep 17 11:19 am

Here’s what is expected 

Following the publication of Good Work: the Taylor Review of Modern Working Practices, the DWPSelect Committee and BEIS Select Committee will be holding a joint hearing with its author, Matthew Taylor, on the morning of Wednesday 11 October 2017.

The Committees will question Mr Taylor on his recent report on modern working practices, including how the Government should act to ensure rights and fair pay for gig economy workers.

The Taylor Review examined the implications of new forms of work on the rights and responsibilities of workers and employers, and this session will build on the related work of the previous BEIS Committee’s inquiry into the Future World of Work and the Rights of Workers, and the previous Work & Pensions Committee report and inquiry into Self-Employment and the Gig Economy. 

The Committees are expected to cover areas including employment status, support for the self-employed, flexibility for workers and employers, National Insurance Contributions and welfare state entitlements for the self-employed and the role and impact of enforcement of existing employment laws. Ahead of the Government’s formal response to the Taylor Review, the Committees will consider what legislative and other changes could be made to secure the rights of workers and a flexible economy. 

Frank Field MP, Chair of the Work & Pensions Committee, said: “I hope our follow-up inquiry with Matthew Taylor on his report will tease out the areas where new legislation is needed. I would hope also that the Prime Minister, in thinking about how minority governments are successful if they are bold, might then suggest that the two select committees take the legislation through the House of Commons as private members’ bills, and give them the time and protection they need to pass safely through the House, while she gets on with Brexit.”

Rachel Reeves MP, Chair of the Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee, said:“Reform is needed now to make sure gig economy workers are not exploited. This session offers the opportunity to explore how the right reforms can be swiftly put in place to ensure workers get the protection and employment rights they deserve. As a Committee we want to examine the self-employment model, how the Taylor recommendations would affect the companies and workers involved, and what action Government needs to take to ensure the system is fair to workers, taxpayers and to businesses.”

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