Home Brexit Furious Tories want Theresa May out after revealing latest Brexit plans

Furious Tories want Theresa May out after revealing latest Brexit plans

by LLB Politics Reporter
22nd May 19 11:39 am

Furious Tories have reacted over Theresa May’s latest Brexit plans and want her out of office within days.

The prime minister was hoping that Labour would have backed her latest deal which also includes the possibility of a second referendum.

Nigel Evans a furious Brexiteer said, “She has U-turned on absolutely everything. We cannot put up with this any longer.

“I will be asking my colleagues tomorrow to agree to a rule change so we can hold an immediate confidence vote if Theresa is not prepared to stand down now.”

Mark Francois, vice-chairman of the European Research Group (ERG), said May’s latest deal is “dead on arrival,” and the Tories were incensed over at her latest proposal.

Ben Bradley, Conservative MP said in an astonishing attack on Twitter, “It’s simply not good enough to abdicate all responsibility for the type of Brexit we end up with.

“You are the Prime Minister. You can’t stand there and say ‘I do not support a second referendum, but Parliament would like one so I’ll just go along with it’. You are meant to LEAD!”

Boris Johnson, the former foreign secretary who is tipped to be the next Tory leader said, “Now we are being asked to vote for a customs union and a second referendum.

“The Bill is directly against our manifesto, and I will not vote for it.

“We can and must do better and deliver what the people voted for.”

Dominic Raab the former Brexit secretary said, “I listened carefully to the PM’s speech on the govt’s revised terms of Brexit.

“I cannot support legislation that would be the vehicle for a second referendum or Customs Union.

“Either option would frustrate rather than deliver Brexit – and break our clear manifesto promises.”

Should May’s deal be pulled  in the Commons then then her early resignation could be likely.

However, Michael Gove the environment secretary told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme, “I think everyone should take an opportunity to reflect on what the PM will say later today and look at the Bill.

“I can understand the strong feelings – I have strong feelings – on leaving the European Union that have been aired and articulated over the course of the last 24 hours.

“We will reflect over the course of the next few days on how people look at the proposition that has been put forward.”

He added, “I hope that the Prime Minster will look at the figures, look at the lack of support for her deal, remember that she lost the first vote by 230 and the constitutional conventions and recognise that, in truth, the Prime Minister does not command a majority in the House of Commons.

“We see that with the lack of business in the House of Commons – the last Bill of any significance we’ve had before us has been on wild animals in circuses. The House of Commons is not functioning.”

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn responded to May’s pleas for compromise saying, “We will, of course, look seriously at the details of the Withdrawal Agreement Bill when it is published.

“But we won’t back a repackaged version of the same old deal – and it’s clear that this weak and disintegrating government is unable to deliver on its own commitments.”

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