Home Business NewsBusiness Fuel duty to remain frozen and 5p cut will stay

Fuel duty to remain frozen and 5p cut will stay

by LLB Reporter
15th Mar 23 12:50 pm

Fuel duty will be frozen and a 5p reduction will be maintained for a further year, chancellor Jeremy Hunt announced as part of his Budget.

Priti Patel MP says: “This is a great victory for drivers campaigning to keep fuel costs down and families and businesses across the country will welcome the Chancellor’s decision to maintain the freeze on fuel duty. With FairFuelUK we’ve been campaigning to keep fuel costs down to support efforts to curb inflation and to help the economy to grow and I am pleased that the Chancellor has listened. Freezing fuel duty will save businesses thousands of pounds a year and help families every time they fill up their cars.”

Jonathan Gullis MP says: “I am delighted that the Chancellor has listened to FairFuel supporters and the 37 million motorists who rely on their cars each and every day by keeping the cut in fuel duty. It proves the Chancellor has our backs and this government backs the great British motorist! This will ensure people keep more of their hard-earned money, which is particularly important in those cost of living crisis and help the Prime Minister and Chancellor in their aims to halve inflation and growing the economy.”

Craig Mackinlay MP and Fair Fuel APPG Chair, says: “It is pleasing that the Chancellor has confirmed there’ll be no fuel duty rise in this Budget. We have been lobbying hard for months to get common sense to prevail. This is good news for the millions of motorists who have experienced the most extreme fuel prices over the past year. One of the primary aims of the government is to reduce inflation so I am not altogether surprised. It would have been perverse in the extreme to add to inflation with a tax rise. Thank you, Chancellor.”

Howard Cox, Founder of FairFuelUK says: I am delighted our intense campaigning and lobbying with so many in touch MPs, led by Priti Patel, Craig Mackinlay and Jonathan Gullis, has been highly effective in convincing the Chancellor to keep Fuel Duty frozen. The longest ever consumer tax levy freeze, thankfully continues.  It would be churlish not to warmly thank Mr Hunt for today’s welcome news, even though drivers actually wanted a cut in this regressive tax. The Chancellor has intelligently ignored that November 23% bombshell forecasted rise in duty announced by the OBR, by being pragmatic and listening to our fact-based economic reasoning. Remember, this is a road user levy that hits the poor hardest and dictates economic growth, cost of living, and jobs. Today’s favourable fiscal announcement will be received very well by motorists, small businesses, low-income families, and truckers. But it’s time the Treasury ensures the unchecked profiteering on the forecourts via the secretive price manipulation in the fuel supply chain is at last, made transparent, fair, and honest. The Government must urgently introduce PumpWatch. Add that to keeping Fuel Duty low and the Tories genuinely stand a chance of winning the next general election.”

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