Home Business NewsBusiness From tough mudder to mud flaps. mytaxi welcomes a new general manager

From tough mudder to mud flaps. mytaxi welcomes a new general manager

9th Aug 17 4:30 pm

Here’s why mytaxi had to say

Mytaxi, Europe’s largest e-hailing app and majority owned by the Daimler Group is pleased to announce Andy Batty as its new UK General Manager. 

Andy joins mytaxi following the successful integration of Hailo into the mytaxi brand and as the company continues to grow across Europe. He will be tasked with building-out the driver network, attracting new customers and expanding the services that mytaxi offers across the UK market.

Andy brings a deep understanding of premium service delivery from his role at luxury hospitality provider Onefinestay, where he served as General Manager. Onefinestay facilitates discerning travellers seeking a unique accommodation experience, with a luxury homestay product.

Andy’s experience balancing the needs of these stakeholders will help manage mytaxi’s unique ecosystem of black cab drivers and consumers. His background heading up European Operations for Tough Mudder meanwhile will lend a huge amount of experience expanding and delivering operations that will help to ensure mytaxi’s continued growth in the UK.

As a committed black cab only app, mytaxi’s driver network in London has already surpassed 17,500, and continues to grow, with customers hailing a taxi every two seconds via the app. Following the successful integration of Hailo in the UK, the mytaxi brand has continued to grow and expand across Europe, including the acquisitions of Clever Taxi in Romania and Greece’s TaxiBeat, ensuring it remains Europe’s largest ride hailing company.

Andy Batty commented: “I’m happy to be joining mytaxi at such an exciting juncture, both for the business and the industry as a whole. The UK is a fast moving, dynamic market in which the professionalism of our driver network and an unparalleled service mean mytaxi can truly set itself apart.”

Andy studied at the University of Birmingham and received a Master’s in Mechanical Engineering.


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