Home Business NewsPolitics News Frank Lampard for Tory MP?

Frank Lampard for Tory MP?

by LLB Editor
10th Dec 14 10:54 am

If you’re a Tory voter who’s a Manchester City fan then this news story will probably make your day.

Rumours are doing rounds that Manchester City midfielder Frank Lampard wants to be a Tory MP after his retirement.

According to The Times, Lampard has “issued a come and get me plea” to top Tories. In an interview with the paper, Lampard classified himself as a Conservative but did say that he doesn’t agree with everything they say.

He said he believes the Tories will win the general election. “I have met David Cameron a couple of times and George Osborne – I have a lot of respect for them,” he said.

“And quite a few Labour ones I have respect for too, like Ed Balls, who is big into his football.

“I will certainly vote and certainly pay more attention going into this election than I have before,” he added.

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