Home Business Insights & Advice Four ways to get more leads through automation

Four ways to get more leads through automation

19th Dec 17 4:37 pm

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Today, there are many different ways to draw customers into your business. Automation, using technology to help regulate the creation and selling of goods and services, is one way that many businesses are working to increase their customer base. There are a variety of platforms, each with their own advantages and disadvantages. The Marketo, Eloqua & Hubspot comparison is an excellent example of that. Despite the differences, here are four ways to get more leads through automation.

Lead scoring

Lead scoring is the practice of giving and taking points away from a specific lead, if it is not followed up on. Since the advantage that a company gets from the automation is worthless if nothing is done about it, this helps companies keep track of those leads. With that in mind, lead scoring helps a company keep track of how many times the automated voice has reached out. In many cases, once a person has been reached out to a certain number of times, their information will be sent to the sales team for a call or card. This can help generate an increased amount of sales.


If the company website is impersonal, the customer is likely to get a bad impression of the company. A personal website tells them about the company and can help encourage them to purchase goods or services. There are also programs that allow a company to personalize their webpage, depending on the person who is looking at it. This relies on a series of algorithms and draws from what the algorithm can tell about the person visiting the website.


Following up is a critical step. The automation and the website can draw the customer in and get them interested in the products available, but if no one from sales calls them to follow up, they are less likely to purchase anything. Luckily for the sales team, there is already information about the client, enough so that any call can be personalized. This gives a feeling that the company cares about the customer and doesn’t just see them as a means to an end.


Tracking is the process of following each of your leads to see where they are encountering your information. This information can be found in a variety of programs, as well as on multiple social media sites. Although some of these may seem less important than others, each of them can reach a different group of people. With that in mind, however, some of these platforms are going to have less engagement with the material. That does not make them useless, it just means that there will need to be some additional work done on these sites to get the same impact.

Automation is a tool that can be invaluable. By using it to keep track of leads, personalize the website and the follow-up calls, and keep track of the most effective platforms for reaching new customers, businesses can reach even more people, while still caring for the ones that they had. There are a variety of automation systems, so each business should research the one that is right for them.

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