Home Business Insights & Advice Four industries that are being revolutionised thanks to the Internet of Things

Four industries that are being revolutionised thanks to the Internet of Things

by Sponsored Content
1st Sep 19 5:39 pm

The IoT is changing the world pretty much wherever we look. Innovations that a while ago were only predictions are now actually taking place. Take a look at how these four industries are being transformed by the Internet of Things


Changes influenced by the IoT are already very much in place in the manufacturing industry. Thanks to smart factory initiatives, manufacturing companies are connecting devices with each other, enabling them to work more efficiently. This means that they are able to operate more in synch, with less downtime and, most importantly, are able to constantly be optimized for even faster and more precise functioning. How does this happen? Data is sent to analytics programs to be orchestrated and analyzed in real-time. This further on produces tangible outcomes in the form of alerts, notifications and reports.


In the age of rising problems with food production in the world, smart farming is really one of the areas where the IoT’s influence seems to be a true blessing. The agriculture industry is being transformed with smart devices (such as trackers or drones) that are able to monitor the state of crops or livestock. This touches on everything from watering and soil monitoring to pest control and livestock monitoring. An interesting innovation are also smart greenhouses, where manual intervention is minimized thanks to intelligent sensors connected to an IoT platform.


Rapid changes in the retail industry are also already visible thanks to the introduction of IoT-enabled applications such as AR or indoor location. The first one mentioned has an effect on the way consumers will choose products, enabling them to try on products without actually physically doing so. The latter has a direct influence on how shoppers will be marketed to. With targeted advertising and location-based marketing, consumers will experience a whole new level of attraction to brands adopting these innovative techniques.


The energy industry is a particularly good candidate for adopting IoT due to the fact that their operations are very spread-out. The challenging conditions have made this industry one of the early adopters of IoT with smart metering infrastructure already present in many areas of the world. What’s next for the energy industry? Expanding optimizations even further with more precise analytics and preventive maintenance provided by IoT platforms.

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