Home Business Insights & Advice Four careers that are expected to grow over the next decade

Four careers that are expected to grow over the next decade

by Sarah Dunsby
6th Apr 21 2:24 pm

The world is constantly changing. Some professions disappear from the job market because of innovation and using up-to-date solutions, while others demonstrate a steady growth for years. What are the most promising careers that will be on top over the next decade? Discover the list of the professionals that are likely to remain demanding and popular in the nearest future.

Before you start

Many students might feel inspired to rocket launching their careers in chosen fields after reading this post. However, it is important to note that receiving an education remains a vital step for building careers in most fields. Therefore, avoid quitting your college or university if you would like to start working in a desirable field.

But is it possible to combine learning and working? Sure! If you don’t have enough time for completing your academic assignment, you might start using an online writing solution and get pro help with your studies anytime. If you don’t know which service to choose, it might be good to discover more reviews of different writing sites. For example, you can explore speedy paper reviews and learn more expert writing reviews to pick up the most reliable service to get all your academic assignments done within the shortest terms. This way, you will have lots of free time to start building a career in one of these fields.


Medicine will remain one of the most promising fields in the nearest future. The fact is that people continue to suffer from various conditions and require assistance in becoming healthier and stronger. Furthermore, the COVID-19 pandemic is not over in most countries, so the demand for nurses is likely to be high during recent years. Becoming a nurse practitioner who can diagnose various illnesses, order examinations, and offer treatments is likely to be an excellent idea. A skilled nurse will always find a good job. By the way, the vacancies in nursing might not only appear in the hospitals and healthcare centers. Online consultations are likely to revolutionise the market.

Software development

Software development has been on the rise for over a decade. According to the latest prognosis, it will continue to grow in the future. However, the technologies and tools used for programming might drastically change. Most experts believe that AI-based solutions, smart apps, and gaming will be the top niches over the decade. Moreover, there will be lots of jobs related to engineering, technologies used in space, and other technical areas. If you are not afraid of technical fields, it might be a good idea to become an expert in the area.

Home health aide

The aging of the nation is likely to become one of the burning issues for many developed countries. Home health and personal care professionals will surely find a ready market in this case. Moreover, the generation of baby boomers will continue to age, firing up the demand for home health assistants.

Project management

The software development and engineering fields are constantly looking for skilled and experienced project managers. This tendency will remain in recent years. Moreover, project management will also occupy even more niches. If you are planning to build a career in this sphere, there are no doubts you will be able to find a job easily.

However, not only these four careers will be on the rise in the future. Most futurists (these are scientists that make smart prognoses regarding the future) believe that there will be a whopping number of vacancies in agriculture, chemistry, pharmacy, cleaning, management, and marketing. Therefore, you can easily choose one of these niches to become a true expert in a couple of years.

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