Home Lifestyle NewsArt & Culture News Former Top Gear trio start filming for Amazon Prime

Former Top Gear trio start filming for Amazon Prime

8th Oct 15 11:53 am

Jeremy Clarkson and his co-stars James May and Richmond Hammond have started shooting their new motoring programme, possibly in Portugal.

Clarkson tweeted a picture yesterday of the three ex-BBC presenters standing next to three sports cars, with the words: “With a skeleton crew, filming for Amazon Prime’s new motoring programme has begun.”

The tweet has since gone viral, with 28,000 retweets and 42,000 favourites.

Clarkson was spectulalrly fired from the BBC in March, after punching a producer in the face while on location filiming for Top Gear. Amazon Prime has since signed a deal – thought to be worth millions – with the 55-year-old presenter and his co-stars, May and Hammond.

The name of the new show and any specifics around its content are still unknown, though it’s been rumoured it might be called Gear Knobs.

Co-presenter, Hammond, also took to Twitter tweeting:

James May, meanwhile, tweeted a picture of a Ferrari:

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