Home Business NewsTech News Ford's self-driving car set to zip in 2021

Ford's self-driving car set to zip in 2021

17th Aug 16 10:47 am

Ford is set to launch its own self-driving car in 2021, the company’s president Mark Fields said yesterday.

The carmaker said it would double the investment in its research centre in the city to make the plans possible.

The firm said the car would be in use by customers by 2021.

“As you can imagine, the experience inside a vehicle where you don’t have to take control changes everything,” said Fields, in an interview with the BBC.

“Whether you want to do work, whether you want entertainment… those are the types of things we are thinking about as we design the experience for this type of autonomous vehicle.

“There will be a growing per cent of the industry that will be fully autonomous vehicles.

“Our goal is not only to be an auto company, but an auto and mobility company.”

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