Home Business News Finance sector bottom of Mancunian marketing league table

Finance sector bottom of Mancunian marketing league table

by LLB Reporter
7th Feb 20 7:13 am

Finance companies in Manchester have been named and shamed as the laziest businesses in the city when it comes to marketing and promotion.

The financial sector is the least active in terms of marketing than any other business sector according to a new stock market style index aimed at tracking Manchester’s business community.

The Embryo Digital Index compares companies from throughout Greater Manchester on more than 30 metrics – important marketing pillars such as customer service, media mentions, online reviews, advertising, networking and social media engagement to create the ultimate Mancuniun Marketing Table.

Cyber security experts NCC Group currently top the index ahead of business services firm Peninsula and technology company Wakelet.

It updates regularly, comparing hundreds of companies in the region with firms ranked in league tables according to their area of business and location.

Companies can nominate themselves to join the index, or be put forward by someone else.  Sectors covered include finance, legal, property, hospitality, recruitment and technology, with more being added daily.

Companies are given a unique four-character code, similar to a stock market epic, and their marketing activities tracked and compared.

It means there really is no hiding place for inactive companies who might be resting on their laurels and relying on past reputation to bring in new business.

The Index exposes all of Manchester’s business community to scrutiny on marketing activity, celebrating the most successful and naming those who really should do better.

There is also motivation for companies to improve their scores with a series of trophies they can collect in their own virtual trophy cabinet.

Trophies include ‘Brand Awareness’ for companies that are well-known across various sectors, ‘Intelligent Marketing’ for those that strategically advertise and sponsor events throughout the city and ‘Staying Power’  for if a company was founded in the year 2000, or earlier.

The technology sector is leading the way when it comes to making a big impression with leading scores in media coverage, web authority, links and keyword reach.

The property sector is Manchester’s next best performing industry, taking second spot in several of the measured areas.

Manchester’s legal companies currently sit in third place of the industry breakdown, behind technology and property but well ahead of other sectors.

Perhaps surprisingly the recruitment sector is far behind many other business sectors when it comes to visibility and promotion, with only finance performing less well.

Financial companies will be looking at the Index and wondering how they can improve their bottom of table position.

The index currently focuses on Manchester based companies and on the marketing they do within the region, although there are plans to expand to other UK cities such as Leeds, Birmingham and London.

Ross Green, managing director of Embryo Digital said, “Manchester has a vibrant business community but some sectors and companies are much more proactive than others when it comes to marketing themselves and getting their brand out there.

“We created the Index to highlight the great work being done in the region across the many different areas of marketing and brand visibility.

“Of course, by celebrating the best you also have to identify those not performing as well. Our intention isn’t to name and shame those who might be struggling with their marketing but rather to offer inspiration and provide a framework for success.”

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