Home Brexit Farage claims it is ‘extremely unlikely’ a new PM will deliver Brexit on time

Farage claims it is ‘extremely unlikely’ a new PM will deliver Brexit on time

by LLB Politics Reporter
28th May 19 11:47 am

Nige Farage the Brexit Party leader has started preparations for a general election to win seats in Westminster should Brexit not be delivered on 31 October.

He claimed that is “extremely unlikely” a new Conservative prime minister will be able to deliver Brexit on the 31 October.

At a press conference in London Farage said, “The Conservative Party are bitterly divided, and I consider it to be extremely unlikely that they will pick a leader who is able to take us out on the 31 October come what may.

“We might overnight have made their lives a bit easier but I don’t see them being able to deliver and I think the real barrier, the real obstruction to all of this is a two-party system that may well have worked in decades gone by but is no longer fit for purpose.”

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