Home Business NewsPolitics News Farage booed in European parliament after telling MEPs "most of you have never done a proper job"

Farage booed in European parliament after telling MEPs "most of you have never done a proper job"

28th Jun 16 11:59 am

UKIP leader causes a stir

UKIP leader Nigel Farage was booed today after making a Brexit victory speech in the European Parliament.

Farage lashed out EU for deceiving people across the continent.

He said: “Isn’t it funny. When I came here 17 years ago and said I wanted to lead a campaign to get Britain to leave the European Union, you all laughed at me.

“Well, I have to say you’re not laughing now are you?

“And the reason you’re so upset, the reason you’re so angry has been perfectly clear from all the angry exchanges this morning. You as a political project are in denial.”

Farage also accused MEPs of never having had “a proper job” which led to the parliament erupting. To this, European Parliament president told politicians to stop “acting like Ukip”.

Farage added: “What happened last Thursday was a remarkable result, it was a seismic result, not just for British politics and European politics but perhaps even for global politics too.

“What the little people did, what the ordinary people did, what the people who had been oppressed over the last few years and seen their living standards go down, they rejected the multinationals, they rejected the merchant banks, they rejected the big politics.

“They said ‘Actually, we want our country back. We want our fishing waters back. We want our borders back. We want an independent, self-governing, normal nation and that is what we have done.”

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