Home Business NewsBusiness Enter the Lloyds TSB Enterprise Awards now

Enter the Lloyds TSB Enterprise Awards now

17th Dec 12 1:21 am

Lloyds TSB are running an exciting Enterprise Awards initiative that aims to support small businesses and encourage young enterprise in the UK.

This coincides with new research that shows nearly half of UK graduates and students aspire to set up their own business after leaving University.

The Enterprise Awards gives anyone who is either at university or recently graduated, and set up their own business, the opportunity to compete for a cash prize of up to £50,000.

Winners will also receive mentoring support from Lloyds TSB senior executives who will share their business experience and expertise.

Lloyds TSB says: “The Enterprise Awards demonstrate our commitment to SMEs by encouraging entrepreneurship through education, thus supporting the growth of the UK economy. It seeks to recognise the budding enterprises started by students and graduates from universities.”

You can enter the awards if:

  • You founded, or co-founded, your own business; and
  • You are either currently a university student, or you have graduated in the past five years; and
  • You are 18 years of age or over; and
  • Your business is based in England, Scotland or Wales; and
  • Your business has been trading for more than one year

To find out more about the Lloyds TSB Enterprise Awards, please visit www.lloydstsb.com/enterpriseawards.

You can also find them at www.facebook.com/LTSBAwards and follow them on www.twitter.com/LTSBAwards.

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