Home Business News England will not have an early release from restrictions Boris suggests

England will not have an early release from restrictions Boris suggests

28th Jun 21 1:43 pm

The Prime Minister has suggested that England will not have an early release from restrictions.

Following talks with the new Health Secretary on Sunday Boris Johnson said it is “sensible to stick to our plan.”

Johnson said during a campaign visit to Johnstone’s Paints Limited in Batley, “I had a good conversation yesterday, a long meeting with Sajid Javid, the new Health Secretary.

“Although there are some encouraging signs and the number of deaths remains low and the number of hospitalisations remains low, though both are going up a bit, we are seeing an increase in cases.

“So we think it’s sensible to stick to our plan to have a cautious but irreversible approach, use the next three weeks or so really to complete as much as we can of that vaccine rollout – another five million jabs we can get into people’s arms by July 19.

“And then with every day that goes by it’s clearer to me and all our scientific advisers that we’re very likely to be in a position on July 19 to say that really is the terminus and we can go back to life as it was before Covid as far as possible.”

The Health Secretary, Sajid Javid said lifting restrictions in England as soon as possible is his “absolute priority” and once restrictions are over there will be “no going back.”

Boris Johnson said during a campaign visit to Johnstone’s Paints Limited i

The Prime Minister added, “What I think we should do now is continue to take a cautious but irreversible approach and use the next three-and-a-half weeks or so to make sure that we get another five million vaccinations into people’s arms, build up even higher that wall of protection, and then go forward on July 19 as a terminus date when I think that we will be able, really, to return to pretty much life before Covid.

“That’s what we’re working towards.”

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