Home Business NewsBusiness Electric shock! Diesel cars to be overtaken by electrics by July 2020

Electric shock! Diesel cars to be overtaken by electrics by July 2020

by LLB Reporter
23rd Aug 18 8:07 am

New forecasting research, based on analysis of trends revealed in Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT) sales data, predicts that electric car sales will surpass those of diesel in July 2020.

Diesel cars have continuously slumped following the VW emission scandal last year and the government announcement that they will be banned by 2040. With Nissan and Toyota stating that they will begin phasing out diesel cars from 2021and latest data showing that sales have fallen by 37.2% over the last year, it appears the end could be near for the fuel type. Meanwhile the Government is introducing policies to support the growth of the Alternative Fuel Vehicles (AFV’s) market and sales of electric cars increased by 5.7% last year.

The analysis was conducted by car leasing company, Leasing Options, who have seen increasing interest in electric cars. They also surveyed 2,000 drivers to find out more about people’s attitudes to electric and diesel cars.

More than half of those surveyed (56%) stated that they are less likely to buy a diesel car today compared to five years ago, with nearly half (47%) saying they believe diesel cars are a danger to the environment.

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