Home Business NewsBusiness EasyJet are planning to fly electric planes within 10 years for short haul flights

EasyJet are planning to fly electric planes within 10 years for short haul flights

27th Sep 17 11:53 am


EasyJet has announced that they intend to fly electric planes within 10 years, they have already built a two-seater prototype.

EasyJet are working with Wright Electric who are an American aircraft building company that are developing electric aircraft that can fly for two hours.

Electric aircraft will cut emissions, fuel and noise by 50 per cent, this will have a knock-on effect to the passengers as they will be 10 per cent cheaper to run resulting in lower fares.

Peter Duffy, the chief commercial officer said: “You’re seeing cities and countries starting to talk about banning diesel combustion engines. That would have been unthinkable just a short time ago.

“As technology moves on attitudes shift, ambitions change and you see opportunities you didn’t see. This is genuinely exciting.”

Duffy spoke about their partnership with Wright Electric saying how valuable it is to understand what aircraft will need to be successful along with understanding maintenance requirements.

Jeffrey Engler, Wright Electric co-founder, said he wants flying to be “as clean and sustainable as possible.”

EasyJet chief executive Dame Carolyn McCall said: “It is now more a matter of when, not if, a short haul electric plane will fly.”

McCall added: “For the first time in my career I can envisage a future without jet fuel and we are excited to be part of it.”

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