Home Brexit Drax makes shock announcement over Brexit vote to Parliament

Drax makes shock announcement over Brexit vote to Parliament

by LLB Politics Reporter
1st Apr 19 3:18 pm

Brexiteer and Conservative MP Richard Drax, has made a shock announcement on Monday afternoon, that after voting for the deal on Friday he was not being true to himself. He said he is now, being “true to myself” and will now oppose the Brexit deal.

Drax said speaking in the House of Commons, “I personally feel utterly ashamed of myself for betraying everything I believed in, that this deal was a rotten deal.

“But for the sake of the party and the country and for all the reasons, I sat and listened to that debate all afternoon, I had to swallow everything I believe in and vote for it.”

Drax said to the Speaker of the House, “doesn’t feel like I’ve misled the House but do not feel I’ve been true to myself”.

I “quickly realised that I should not have voted with the government on Friday afternoon.”

However, I did because “it seemed to be either the prime minister’s deal or a long delay.”

“What I should have done and did not is to trust my instincts and the British people.”

Drax admitted he “made the wrong call,” he looked over the House to the DUP and apologised, adding that he hopes the Brexit deal will “never see the light of day again.”

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