Home Insights & Advice Dr. Dario Bazzano explains biolipospectrum, his revolutionary liposculpture technique

Dr. Dario Bazzano explains biolipospectrum, his revolutionary liposculpture technique

by Sarah Dunsby
9th Mar 22 6:09 pm

The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic have been evident in many different areas of our lives, but there’s one booming industry that’s often left out of the conversation: plastic surgery. The search for cosmetic medical procedures has been growing considerably, with some calling the post-pandemic period a boom for plastic surgery as many are still locked indoors with ample opportunity for a discreet recovery.

However, for those looking to make a change, it can be quite challenging to know what kind of procedure to look for and even how to start choosing the right surgeon.

My advice is to always look at the results obtained: always check the photos of the previous interventions, but pay attention to the retouched photos. They are better than ‘raw’ photos that are nevertheless capable of showing the reality of the facts, as opposed to photos that are pleasing to the eye but decidedly artificial. And then, of course, empathy is important: the relationship with the patient must always be based on trust”, explains Dr. Dario Bazzano, a highly experienced cosmetic surgeon known in Italy and Europe for his patented liposuction technique.

Liposuction, if done correctly, can improve self-confidence and consequently improve the lives of patients. Therefore, it not only has an aesthetic value but also a psychological one, in addition to the positive effects it can have on the circulation or on the lymphatic system, thanks to the reduction of fat mass.

When it comes to plastic surgery, many methodologies are talked about and it can be hard for a patient to know which ones to trust. Cryoliposys, for example, is a hot topic today, but Dr. Bazzano warns that this methodology does not allow doctors to sculpt the body and it cannot be applied everywhere: in certain areas, there is even the risk of creating imperfections. Thus, it cannot be considered an alternative to traditional liposuction or advanced techniques such as biolipospectra.

“Biolipospectrum is an advanced liposculpture technique, patented by me, capable of offering three essential advantages over all other techniques on the market: it allows the skin to contract more, it reduces or eliminates bleeding -thus allowing a greater percentage of fat to be eliminated- and it offers a much quicker postoperative recovery time for the patient”, explains Dr. Bazzano.

It is based on the use of known technologies, such as VASER, which uses special ultrasounds that dissolve fat and cause a first contraction of the skin; Subsequently, excess fat is extracted and removed using a dedicated handpiece, efficiently and less traumatically than traditional techniques. Finally, a machine is used that can generate plasma light, which causes a significant contraction of the tissues, something never seen before, reducing bleeding and keeping the skin toned despite emptying, even the most consistent. It takes about two hours, with the patient being observed for about an hour and a half. Then, they must keep a sheath for about a month.

“It is not very painful and invasive: just think that if a patient has surgery on a Friday, Monday or at the latest on Tuesday, they can go back to work. Of course, a doctor must also understand when the intervention is useful or necessary, and when, instead, it is a matter of a patient who is the victim of an altered perception of himself: in that case, professional seriousness demands refuse to perform the intervention,” concludes Dr. Bazzano

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