Home Business NewsPolitics News Donald Trump rakes in $50m in donations IN ONE MONTH

Donald Trump rakes in $50m in donations IN ONE MONTH

7th Jul 16 3:48 am

Can Trump triumph?

Donald Trump

Love him or loathe him but you can’t ignore him. Donald Trump’s bid for becoming America’s next president has garnered him over $50m in one month in donations.

The Trump campaign said that the business magnate’s campaign has collected $26m in donations from over 400,000 supporters in one month. In May, however, Trump managed to collect only $3.1m.

“We just started our fundraising efforts in the last week of May and we are extremely pleased with the broad-based support in the last five weeks for the Trump Campaign and Trump Victory,” said Steven Mnuchin, the finance chairman for the Trump campaign. “We want to thank our many volunteers and contributors that are committed to electing Donald J. Trump as president in November.”

In a statement, team Trump clarified that the millionaire forked out $3.8m to his own campaign in June.

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