Home Business Insights & Advice Dealing with a workplace injury – a guide for employers

Dealing with a workplace injury – a guide for employers

by Sponsored Content
10th Sep 18 11:40 am

Accidents happen, its part of being in business. If one or more of your employees experience an injury in the workplace, it’s vital that you know what to do in the moments surrounding the accident, as well as what to expect in the weeks and months to come.

Employees are entitled to financial compensation that covers there economic and non-economic losses incurred as a result of their accident. As an employer, you have to ensure that your employees receive all the support they need to reach full recovery from their injuries.

Here is a brief guide of actions to take immediately following the accident, as well as how to prepare for the legal battle you’ll face in the months ahead.

Assess your employee

As soon as you receive notification of an employee accident, you’ll need to attend to the scene as quickly as possible. If you’re on site when it happens, assess your employee’s injuries. If they are severe, its critical for you to take action as quickly as possible in the moments after the accident.

Take charge of the scene and ensure that all your other employees stay as far away from the accident site as possible, the last thing you need to happen in this situation is for another employee sustain an injury as a result of the chaos involved in the moments after the accident occurs.

Request medical assistance

Call for medical help. Depending on the extent of the injuries, you may need to request an ambulance or airlift. When the emergency services arrive on the scene, ensure that they take the necessary precautions to transport your employee to the nearest medical facility safely.

The company’s insurance policy will cover worker’s compensation, including any related medical expenses, so don’t worry about your finances, focus on the safety and care of your employees.

Inform management

Inform senior management about the accident and prepare all shareholders and the management team to handle the situation as it unfolds.

Call the insurance firm

Inform your company’s insurance provider of the accident and the extent of your employee’s injuries. Providing them with fair warning ensures that your employees claim will be dealt with promptly.

Expect a visit from a solicitor

Your employee will visit a personal injury solicitor and file a personal injury claim against the company. It’s critical that you don’t hold any resentment to your employee, this sends the wrong message to your staff, and they may not appreciate your conduct if you aren’t fully compliant with the injured employees right to file a personal injury claim.

You can expect the employee’s lawyer to visit the accident site and collect evidence to prove employer neglect as part of establishing liability for the accident. Assist them wherever you can and don’t get in the way of their investigation.

Prepare your statement

Immediately after dealing with the accident, write down a written statement of your recollection of events. It doesn’t matter if you weren’t on site, you need to provide the attorney with a report during the deposition phase of their claims process.

Don’t let the accident get in the way of running your business. Accidents occur at some stage, and you need to be prepared to handle them.

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