Home Business NewsPolitics News David Lammy receives death threats following referendum results

David Lammy receives death threats following referendum results

5th Jul 16 10:30 am

Referendum backlash

David Lammy

Source: Photoshot

Tottenham MP has received death threats on email, Twitter and Facebook since he called for a second referendum after Britain voted to leave the EU.

“We can confirm we have received allegations of malicious communications through social media. The matter is being investigated. No arrests have been made at the time and inquiries continue,” a Metropolitan police spokesman said.

The police have launced an investigation into the matter which comes after Jo Cox, MP of Batley and Spen, was murdered.

Lammy has reported all threats to the police and said they were being “very supportive” and “proactive”.

Lammy has lambasted Twitter users who racially abused him and told him to “go back to Africa”.

Lammy answered: “I’m not going anywhere. I was born in this country. But you and your disgusting racist views make me ashamed.”

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