Home Business News Cummings claims Hancock planned to let Covid batter the UK to build ‘herd immunity’

Cummings claims Hancock planned to let Covid batter the UK to build ‘herd immunity’

by LLB political Reporter
23rd May 21 3:15 pm

The Prime Minister’s former advisor Dominic Cummings has claimed that Matt Hancock planned to let Covid tear through England to build “her immunity” which would have been devastating.

Cummings said in a series of tweets that the Health Secretary has lied over the government’s original plan to allow the virus to spread through the community and said Hancock’s claim over this was “bulls***.”

Cummings is due to give evidence on Wednesday to the Commons Health and Science Committees which are probing the government’s response to the pandemic.

Cummings is set to “napalm” the Prime Minister reports claim, whereby he is determined to “destroy” Boris Johnson in an attmept to exact “revenge” on him.

A source told The Times newspaper that Cummings will not stop “until Boris is no longer Prime Minister.

Cummings said there may have never been a need for any lockdowns in the UK had Johnson had the “right preparations and competent people in charge.”

Cummings said a series of scathing tweets, “Media generally abysmal on Covid but even I’ve been surprised by one thing: how many hacks have parroted Hancock’s line that ‘herd immunity wasn’t the plan’ when ‘herd immunity by September’ was’ literally the official plan in all documents/graphs/meetings’ until it was ditched.

“Yes the media is often incompetent but something deeper is at work: much of SW1 (the Westminster postcode) was happy to believe Hancock’s bullshit that ‘it’s not the plan’ so they didn’t have to face the shocking truth.

“Most political hacks believe in ‘the system’… ‘In week of March 9, No10 was made aware by various people that the official plan would lead to catastrophe. It was then replaced by Plan B.

“But how ‘herd immunity by September’ could have been the plan until that week is a fundamental issue in the whole disaster.”

The government’s chief scientific advisor, Sir Patrick Vallance said at the time should they attempt to suppress coronavirus “very hard” then it will bounce back into the community once they eased lockdown.

Cummings said that there was “so much lockdown confusion.”

The Prime Minister’s former advisor added, “Obviously they’re ‘destructive’. But if you have to do it because alternative is ‘hundreds of thousands choking to death and no NHS for months for everybody else and economy sunk because everybody hiding in terror’ then earlier/harder is better for health AND economy.

“If we’d had the right preparations and competent people in charge, we would probably have avoided lockdown 1, ‘definitely’ no need for lockdowns 2 and 3.”

A government spokesperson said, “Herd immunity has never been a policy aim or part of our coronavirus strategy.

“Our response has at all times been focused on saving lives and ensuring the NHS was not overwhelmed. We continue to be guided by the latest scientific advice.”

Last week Cummings said that he will release damning “crucial historic document” over Johnson’s “Covid decision making.”

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