Home Business Insights & Advice COVID-19 vaccines give hope to travellers and the tourism sector

COVID-19 vaccines give hope to travellers and the tourism sector

by Sponsored Content
11th Feb 21 4:13 pm

The new president of the United States said that the situation of the pandemic caused by COVID-19 would get worse before improving and that is exactly what is going on. However, the progress of the vaccination campaign has given everyone hope, as it shows the way to a return to normalcy, with greater safety and without the worries with which we currently live.

This has caused many people to start thinking about what they will do once they can resume the plans that they have had to postpone due to the global health situation.

The United States, one of the great post-pandemic destinations

Following the arrival of Joe Biden to the presidency of the United States, great expectations have been opened not only for Americans, but for people around the world, who value many things that this country offers.

Whether as the birthplace of some of the best universities in the world, as the origin of the most popular technological solutions or as the factory of great artists, United States is a destination that many people want to go to as soon as possible.

And it is that this country also offers extraordinary places for all tourists who are looking for a real adventure or incredible spaces where to rest and relax. From city tourism in cities such as New York or Chicago, through authentic adventures such as crossing the country on the mythical Route 66 or visiting the Grand Canyon, to family tourism with visits to theme parks such as Disneyland, Epcot Center, among others.

The advantage for the English is that, once the skies between the two countries are reopened, they will continue to enjoy some benefit such as not requiring a visa, but simply managing a travel authorization that they can get on the ESTA application website. Thanks to the agreement signed between both countries, through this simple procedure, any citizen of Great Britain will be able to visit the United States for up to 90 days.

Weddings and trips postponed or canceled

Another of the activities that has undoubtedly suffered a lot from the pandemic have been weddings, since there have been countless of these that have had to be postponed or canceled due to capacity restrictions, confinements and limitations or prohibitions of displacement that have been imposed around the world.

According to insurance comparator HelloSafe, losses from wedding cancellations have reached 5.3 billion pounds for the sector. However, in the face of an improvement in the situation, it is very likely that again there will be thousands of couples who want to go through the altar.

On the other side, although COVID-19 has generated losses of up to 124 billion during 2020, a better situation with the pandemic will make travel, both national and international, possible again and, without a doubt, trigger the repressed desire that we all have to leave our city, our country or even our continent.

It is no coincidence that New York City maintains promotional campaigns in major European cities. Such a popular destination does not want to be left out of travelers’ minds when restrictions are lifted and that is why the strategy remains, even amid the third wave of the pandemic.

Wall Street and the City of London will rise with the lifting of restrictions

In the summer of 2020, when the pandemic seemed to be under control, stocks celebrated it by rising strongly, although then they turned around and returned to the red numbers before the second and third waves.

However, with the arrival of several vaccines on the horizon and to the extent that vaccination campaigns advance, and temperatures rise, it can also be expected that stocks will once again experience periods of euphoria, especially in those sectors most affected.

For example, eToro, the popular trading platform, promoted the Travelkit portfolio in October last year, which includes many of the main listed companies related to the travel sector (airlines, hotels, operators, among others). In November of last year, this investment instrument rose a surprising 23.95%, but in January of this year it was down 7.18%.

Thus, a recovery in the prices of these companies can be expected, although it is not known if it will be temporary or if it will be a growth that can be consolidated in the medium term, which would be magnificent news for the 2.4 million of industry workers who were unemployed in the past year in the UK.

Although it is still early to claim victory and every day, we are seeing worrying news about the pandemic in the United Kingdom, in the United States and in the rest of the world, things may get better with vaccines that are beginning to protect the most vulnerable to later cover the whole population.

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