Home Business NewsBusiness Corbyn promises to ‘unite our four nations’ with new bank holidays

Corbyn promises to ‘unite our four nations’ with new bank holidays

23rd Apr 17 2:12 pm

Here’s what was said

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has announced that if Labour wins 8 June election the UK will get four new bank holidays.

The four new bank holidays will land on each of the home nations respective patron saint’s day across the UK.

Corbyn said that “The four nations that make up our great country have rarely been more divided due to the damaging and divisive policies of this Conservative Government.”

“But where Theresa May divides, Labour will unite our four nations.”

“A Labour government will make St George’s Day – England’s national day and Shakespeare’s birthday – a public holiday, along with St David’s Day, St Andrew’s Day and St Patrick’s Day.”

“And we will ask for the support of the governments of Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland so that the same four holidays can be enjoyed across the United Kingdom.”

“These holidays will be a chance for workers to spend time with their families, in their communities and with their friends.”

“But they will also be a chance to celebrate the national cultures of our proud nations.”

If the plan were to go ahead it St David’s, St Patricks, St Georges and St Andrew’s day would all be public bank holidays providing workers with a well-deserved break.

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