Home Business NewsBusiness Corbyn proposes ‘tech tax’: Here’s what we know

Corbyn proposes ‘tech tax’: Here’s what we know

by Purvai Dua
23rd Aug 18 2:13 pm

To help fund the BBC, leader Jeremy Corbyn has today proposed a tax on technology giants like Facebook and Netflix and also said that journalists should get the power to elect their own editors.

In a speech at the Edinburgh TV Festival, Corbyn appealed for bold thinking to address, what he called, a public crisis of trust in media in the era of “fake news”.

“A digital license fee, supplementing the existing license fee, collected from tech giants and internet service providers, who extract huge wealth from our shared digital space, could allow a democratized and more plural BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) to compete far more effectively with the private multinational digital giants like Netflix, Amazon, Google and Facebook,” he said.

His proposals come after France and Germany have pushed for US technology giants to pay more tax in the EU.

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